android Archive

Super Punch App Android Game

This new fun app lets you measure the power of your punch! Play in single player mode or with friends in Group Challenge mode. Grab your phone in your hand, press one of the gloves to prep your punch and play the lead in sound, then swing your best punch! … Read more

Super Scales Android Digital Scales App

Super Scales Free Android Digital Scales App Download the best free digital scales emulator for Android on Google Play Store.  Use the free version to test if it works with your phones sensors.  Then buy the Pro version or Super Scales 2016 (the new vamped up more accurate and stable … Read more

Penalty Practice Pro Android Game Instructions

Penalty Practice Pro Android Game Instructions Choose 1 or 2 Players 1 Player is you versus computer AI. Choose your Teams. When its your turn to shoot, build power by tapping the boots alternatively or shake the phone.  See the power of the shot on the left hand side power … Read more

Appliv Review of Super Scales App

. Read Our App Reviews On Appliv!! Appliv is an app information service with the mission, “Bringing apps closer to you”. Using Appliv, you can find apps you want from many app reviews such as popular Android game apps, productivity apps, music apps and more. We are planning to provide … Read more

Appliv Mobile Phone Games and Apps

. Have you heard about Appliv? Appliv is an app information service with the mission, “Bringing apps closer to you”. Using Appliv, you can find apps you want from many app reviews such as popular Android game apps, productivity apps, music apps and more. We are planning to provide many … Read more

Super Scales App Help

Super Scales Android / Windows Help: Introduction: Super Scales is the best digital scales emulator for Android and Windows Phones.  It lets you weigh small objects using just your phone.  This help page only covers Super Scales Free/Pro on Windows Phone and Super Scales 2016 on Android.  Other Super Scales … Read more

How do you weigh using Super Scales Video

Super Scales works by using the tilt sensors in your phone.  It is not a fake scales but can give you real accurate weight readings if used correctly as shown in the video below.  The video below shows you how to calibrate and use the digital scale app for Android.  … Read more

Super Scales 2016 Digital Scales App Simulator

Super Scales 2016 Time to Upgrade! Super Scales 2016 is the best digital scales emulator app for Android! Hey guys have you seen the videos and app and want to dive straight in with the paid version, or have you downloaded the free version and now want to unlock all the … Read more